SMIITY: Portuguese solution voted “Best Smart Tourism Solution” at the Hospitality Awards 2023
SMIITY: Portuguese solution voted “Best Smart Tourism Solution” at the Hospitality Awards 2023

SMIITY, the national smart tourism platform, has won the “Best Smart Tourism Solution” award for the second year running. This distinction was awarded as part of the Hospitality Awards 2023, promoted by LUXlife. SMIITY was recognized for its innovation and ability to help municipalities and regions become true smart destinations.

LUXlife focuses on recognizing companies that provide a diverse range of services, from event and hospitality management, restaurants and bars, travel agents, public relations, as well as marketing services, to tour operators. LUXlife’s aim is to represent the best talent in this dynamic industry.


A smart tourism solution for both residents and tourists

SMIITY is an integrated smart tourism platform that allows cities to share relevant, georeferenced and useful information with their residents and visitors, providing a more complete and interactive experience for everyone.

luxlife smiity awards smart tourism 2023

It allows interaction with beacons, small wireless transmitters that use Bluetooth low-energy technology to send signals to other smart devices nearby, such as smartphones, tablets and smartwatches to provide contextual information about their location.

The user can view the most relevant points of interest in a city or region, such as Museums, Monuments, Hotels or Restaurants, as well as news, events and contacts. For municipalities, it offers useful tools such as content management, integration of social media feeds and access to real-time analytical data that helps make decisions regarding the promotion and management of tourist destinations.

SMIITY is available to residents and tourists in more than 30 municipalities, in an app compatible with Android and iOS devices, which can be downloaded for free from the App Store and Google Play.